I have heard this from a few people in my life and suspect it is on the tips of many people's silent tongues. Those people who don't, in my mind, GET IT, so to speak.
Never have I seen such a succinct phrasing...
"...pushed by an anthropological mind that shoots out in all directions when engaged..." Small 1998. Our Babies, Ourselves.
Yes, organically holistic unable and unwilling to put blinders on when life is so complex and interesting. I prefer to shoot out in all directions, thank you very much.
I am, btw, thoroughly enjoying the first chapters of above referenced book - of course it echoes my mindset on culture and childrearing. kinda like someone took my thoughts and gave them academic validation through managing to get the book published. In some ways that approach to privileging ideas sucks, but it is working for me at the moment...
there is a particular anthropologist reading this blog that might consider checking the above book out of the public library and adding it to the commute reading shelf...
ok, back at it...