degrees people! on Friday. This evening we are to hit about 38 and Friday, glorious friday, my popsicle behind might actually thaw a bit... conflicting reports on temps over the next week. Some places forecast a relatively balmy period of low 40's and other say bitter winter is coming back. Anyway, I am taking my day of over 40 and will be happy with it even if it is the only one for a while!
Boy had I forgotten the "hope of spring."
So, Mom is on the rebound!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to see Danny Glover speak tonight and then on Friday I am taking mom out for a short outing. She gets tired real easy right now, it'll take a while to get her strength back, but she will.
So, for those of you who have not seen the Story of Stuff - it is 20 minutes long - here is a link to the video: (it is available in 11 languages).