Dad - Being his typical silly self...

Dad - Being his typical silly self...
We miss you dad!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Costco or BUST !!!!!!!!


There is a Costco here, AND, it is conveniently located on the way to Jungle Jim's!

There isn't one here in Dayton, and given my life these last 6 months, I didn't bother to check around to see if there was one anywhere around.

Well, I just checked, longing for my Costco TP and those bulk packages of Aidell's Chicken Apple Sausages, and


An update on life here:

20 degrees and about an inch of snow on the ground - grass & leaves still poking through, but it is fairly white out there.

Got my hairs cut today. Lucky enough to find a stylist the first time out. I have seen her several times now and still happy with it, so feel lucky about that.

Mom is sick. She has a virus that is going around here. She has lost ANOTHER 2 pounds since December 15th, making her weight 110 pounds. This time last year she was at a chubby (for her) 121. It takes her about a year to gain a pound (literally) so we have our work cut out for us. When she is fully recovered from this virus, she is supposed to be pounding 3 Ensures (or Boosts) per day plus her normal meals. I was working on stretching her pea sized stomach before she got sick, now we are set back even farther...

some bad news in the family. My mom's niece (her youngest brother's youngest daughter) was killed by her 20 year old son back in mid-Dec, but the murder was not discovered until Jan. 4th when her body was found. Last time I had any real contact with her was when we were in elementary school. She lived in Chicago and we would visit when we visited my mammaw. Mom saw her occassionally over the years, but it was not a close relationship. All the same the situation is horrible and it is one more emotional hurdle for her.

Classes have started back up and I have a bit more focus and energy than last quarter. I feel that bit of depression has subsided some and now I am just dealing with feeling cold all the damn time - ooh for the hot flashes, but I suppose they are still about 5 years away... so, I am adding cayenne, chili flakes, tumeric and liberal amounts of garlic and onions to my diet. They are all suppose to help with circulation.

This is how my bed looks about every afternoon between 3 and 5 pm. Yup, the walls are still NOT painted and I'll probably wait for slightly warmer weather....

and, this is how it looks mid-morning as I attempt to job hunt and do homework:

well, I need to get back to my reading about pygmy infants in Zaire, so I'll sign off hoping this finds you all doing well.