Dad - Being his typical silly self...

Dad - Being his typical silly self...
We miss you dad!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Ok, click on that title for a link...

Things are going, slow, but going. Grieving is impacting my cognitive functions and my overall productivity a tad bit more than I anticipated.

I was out mowing the grass and discovered a wee baby frog in the grass. I studiously mowed around it as it made its way to safety.

I thought it had a sibling for a second, but no, it was a gianormous spider. OK, I did not stick around to take taxonomic data, but, it seems it might have been a "wolf" spider. The fucker was nearly 2 inches long. This is not, I repeat, not, Texas.

Gads. I should not have read about it on the attached link page

This may test my pesticide resolve. I know that spiders have an important part in biodiversity, but I don't want biodiversity in my garage, basement or house if it looks like that and tends to crawl all over the place...


I have to go finish mowing the grass...

Well, last night mom and I attempted to watch the meteor shower. We decided that the cemetary was probably the best place for field of view, lack of car lights and sufficient distance from a large city. So, we went to see dad. We fixed his fish decoration which blew down in the last storm and found that the solar lantern does work. We sat in the cemetary - in the car - it was uncharacteristically chilly for Ohio in August, and waited. I saw a small one about 9:20 and we left at 11 having not seen any more.

We are going to a park tonight to watch again. Hopefully we will have better luck. It was good to get dad's fish fixed and to just hang out there for a while. It really is a very pretty place.

OK, back to the spider yard.