Dad - Being his typical silly self...

Dad - Being his typical silly self...
We miss you dad!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The first month in Ohio

Got a real, and I mean real, break on the weather the first week. It was upper 70’s with no noticeable humidity. Yippee! The rest, however has been sticky humid Ohio.

The house has running water in the kitchen and bathroom, but the toilet and shower did not work. Toilet was fixed as of July 24. Shower is still on the “to do” list. I shower at mom’s house, and since I get real sweaty mowing her grass, it works out.

I sent out an email with my address and new phone number. If you did not get it, email me and I will send it again. I may be changing the phone number again, not sure. Stay tuned. Best to just email me.

Depending on a room a/c unit to keep the humidity down low enough inside so I can concentrate on homework and get some sleep. The sheets still have that damp feeling to them. How I love Ohio.

Spending lots of time with mom, and that makes it all worth while. We go shopping at the Lowes and Home Depot, looking for the things I am going to use to pull Kia Rio together. We also go thrift shopping, and just generally hang out. We have started to go to the programs the Metro Parks offer. We went to an organic lawn care seminar and have lots of things coming up, like learning about Ohio butterflies and moths, making budget and ecofriendly paints, historic barns tour, gardening practices and so on. Plenty to do here in the summer months.

On my birthday weekend, we went to a Hot Air Balloon festival. It was, as I understand it, the state championship. About 30 balloons had to fly into the Middletown airport, come real close to the ground and throw a marker (ribbon type thing) at the target and then ascend to continue on to the next target. They had 3 targets to hit, and the festival was the first one of the 3. Mom loved it, as did I. We had to leave here at 6 am to get there in time to see them, but it was nice and the weather was good. We stayed for the festival, which was a small family type affair. Then we came home.

The rest of the weekend was spent shopping at thrift stores, going to the movies and eating my b-day lunch at Godfather’s pizza. I use to love their pizza back in the late 70’s and early 80’s and was, Bob like, really wanting to have it again. It wasn’t as good as I remember, but still pretty darn good. Spent my birthday with Mom, and my best friend, Mandy.

Spent last Saturday with Mom hanging out in downtown Dayton. We went to see the life-sized bronze sculptures
and then hung out at the Celtic festival, bought some yummy Welsh cookies, watched some Irish & Scottish dancing, enjoyed The Kreellers band and then went to BW 3’s to get chicken wings.

Have done little, to nothing, at the house except clean up the yard a bit. Trying to get focused on school work. Still have those 2 incompletes dangling out there, and still have 2 classes until end of August. I did manage to get a B in that stats based class. Not sure how, and I still don’t know anything about stats… well, at least I passed.
Speaking of school, need to get back to it.

Catch you all later!