Dad - Being his typical silly self...

Dad - Being his typical silly self...
We miss you dad!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Kia Rio Catnip Clamor!

Well, wasn't that a party...

Ok, so I go to mom's house tonight for dinner and a movie. I leave all 4 cats in the house together. Snuggie is still hissing and growling and smacking at the wee ones.

I get home about 10 and lo and behold, all 4 cats come out of the bedroom at the same time to greet me. What a nice surprise.

So, we hung out for a bit. I made a cuppa hot tea (it was 34 outside...) and started playing with the cats.

Jaz was actually acting interested in playing, Snuggie was playful which he really hasn't been since 10/18 when Ollie showed up. The little Rough Riders were in full form.

Snuggie was not exactly playing "with" them, but kinda "alongside" them. A real big step for him.

So, I was sitting in the floor in the middle of mayhem with all 4 cats running helter skelter and it hit me. Square in the head. I knew if I gave it time and did not force it, the wee one's name would present itself.

Just like a lightbulb, or a 2 x 4.


Yup. (Heljye --in American culture this is NOT an insult, but an endearment... Really!)

It ends in the "e" sound I always tack onto cats - I call Jaz "Jazzy."

Heljye is a very warm, yet fun and spirited person and so is the little guy. I don't know for sure what the name means, but for me, it is a reminder of Heljye who I so enjoyed working with and getting to know.

So, I said, hey "we need to have a shindig to welcome the Rough Riders to the TumbleFur Gang and the BathTub Boy and to celebrate everyone having a name!" and I broke out the catnip.

It was wild before the catnip came out, got even wilder, except for Heljye isn't really clear on the concept yet. He is real young...

Now, Snuggie is lodged firmly in his box on the desk, napping contently. He hasn't gotten in this box since, you guessed it, 10/17.

Ollie and Heljye are still making a ruckus. Heljye is running through the house carrying a plastic straw and Jaz is lounging on the top of a cat tree.

I am happy, happy, happy.

The grumbling is by no means over, but this is a big step in the family dynamic.

Ollie likes to jump off things onto Jaz's back. Jaz tolerates this fairly well. I hope he has more sense than to try it with Snuggie.

It is nice to have 4 cats with names.

It looks like Helje in Norse means productive, happy, success, or possibly God. Not sure.

Well, I am going to attemtp to get the Rough Riders settled down for bed, it is past midnight and we are all pumpkins now!