Dad - Being his typical silly self...

Dad - Being his typical silly self...
We miss you dad!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tashi - Aug. 15, 2005 to Sept. 9, 2008

Kia Rio mourns.

My heart broke again today.

My little meeper boy was hit by a car about 3 pm.

It must have happened just moments before mom and I arrived from Home Depot.

His little body was still warm and soft when I picked him up. He must have gone quickly because there was no heart beat or breathing when we found him.

Jaz will be at loose ends for some time to come.

Tashi was that string of lights that lit up my heart. No matter how sad I might be, or angry or whatever, he could come up and make his little meeping sound, or his trilling sound or look at me with his beautiful eyes and put a ray of sunshine in my soul. Never mind the pure joy seeing him spread out flat on the bed.

I am just getting the bathtub fixed. He never got to play in the bathtub here. That was a favorite thing of his.

I miss him already.

Tashi, rest in peace my beloved baby boy.