Dad - Being his typical silly self...

Dad - Being his typical silly self...
We miss you dad!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

SF - OH Anniversary????

I really don't know, life was such a fog a year ago, but I think today or tomorrow might be the 1 year date for my arrival here in Dayton. Well, I got here around 12:30 or 1:00 am, and I just don't know what day it was. It could have been anywhere between June 25 and 30th...

Not really sure anniversary is what I would call it.

At any rate. I expected my life would be MUCH different than it is today.

C'est la vie.

My current obsession is vanilla bean ice cream with pure maple syrup. Sickening sweet, yes. Somehow in this horrid humid muck, it is satisfying.

In other news, I am dancing very close to trying to launch a coaching and consulting business here.

I am encouraged in this process by having been approached by the author of 2 leadership books (a connection I made as a result of posting a question in a org mgmt group on linkedin) as a possible person to conduct seminars and executive coaching for his second book, The Superperforming CEO. The problem with this was that he thought I was still in SF. Turns out he has somebody for the local marketplaces...and needs some folks in SF Bay Area.

But, his opening up the dialogue gave me a shot of confidence. I still have to deal with a local culture that is very short on leadership awareness and in general has a very punitive and liability minded approach to employees. I have been conducting informal research over the past 2 months with nearly every person I meet, regarding the life of an employee around here. It ain't good.

So, my challenge is to start finding folks that sorta get it and then build from there.

Tons of groundwork to do to mentally prepare for this.

In yet other news: Jaz is just fine. Couple of big scabs on his back, but he is good ole Jaz.

Ok, see some of ya out on FB.