Dad - Being his typical silly self...

Dad - Being his typical silly self...
We miss you dad!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Property Pins

Found somebody to find my property boundary pins for me. My first quote, as you may remember, was for $1500 and a wait of about a month...

Well this guy who runs a small engineering company sent his guys out to do it for $500. He says some of the pins are off by about a foot and one is at least 1.5 feet off the proper coordinate, but that is not a big deal.

The fence I am putting up is considered temporary (welded wire and metal posts). If I ever get a new neighbor that wants to dispute the line, they can pay the huge $$$. If it is off, I'll just move the fence. It is likely I won't need the fence at that point in time anyway...

So, I have a fence guy coming out on Tuesday after work to see the "lay of the land" and to discuss the fence/gate situation.

It won't be long until I turn the Rough Riders out to the grounds of Kia Rio and to the IF!!!!!!

My property is not as long as I thought it was, and that is a bummer...

However, in the next year or so I may inquire about buying the bit behind the house - it belongs to the neighbors. They appear to be divorcing, and could probably use the $$$. It looks like there is a seasonal creek that runs along the back - much farther back than my piece goes... and I would like to have that and the 1.5 acres of the IF...

Mom is planning to video tape the Rough Riders' first day in the great outdoors. It will probably be in a week or two - depending on the fence guy's schedule and the weather. It is bleeping cold today...

If I can figure it out, I will post a clip of the video here so you can watch them foray into their natural habitat.