Dad - Being his typical silly self...

Dad - Being his typical silly self...
We miss you dad!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Yes, Virginia

there is such a thing as...

fleece sheets!

and they are devine!

I have, for some idiotic reason, been sliding into bed each night on cotton sheets. Now, I love cotton sheets, but in the winter it is a bit like going down to the skating rink and laying down on the ice.


Everytime you move, your face gets a fresh slap of ice.

So, I finally got with it and went to get some sheets, was going to get flannel and saw fleece, so I said let's give fleece a whirl.

It was soooooooo nice last night when I crawled into bed that I giggled for 5 minutes outta happiness.

Then, I discovered a desire to stay in bed in the morning, now that the sheets were so toasty... so I let Snuggie out for a few, crawled back into bed, then got the phone and called mom from bed. I did not get out of bed for the day until almost 10.


If I am not careful I am going to be one big ball of fleece, fleece shirts, socks, jammies and now sheets...