Well, I've gone and done it.
Meet Ollie...
Yes, he is little, about 3 1/2 months I am guessing...
He arrived on October 18, 2008. It has been a riot here ever since. I am positive I felt Tashi walk across the top of my pillow last night, while little Ollie was sleeping to my side. I am taking that as his approval of the little guy.
Ollie seems to be channeling some of Tashi, as he appears to share the fascination with water and loves to drink from the bathtub faucet.
Apparently Ollie, while healthy himself, arrived with a micro friend.
Here is the first sign of trouble on the horizon... these two have not been that close to each other for an extended period in nearly 1.5 years
Jaz has an upper respiratory infection and it is not mild, unfortunately. He started drooling excessively, like a steady stream of it. I immediately called the vet. They thought it could be sign of an abcessed tooth. Well, his teeth were fine.
He has drooled for days and had no appetite or has not been drinking. He has had two subcutaneous fluid injections to keep him hydrated. I am having to hand feed him because he cannot smell his food. If a cat can't smell, it won't eat. Not eating is bad, according to the vet and my vet like friend, Maria (of cross country fame).
So, to entice him to eat I had to find the smelliest thing I could. Tuna and sardines. I hate fish and the smell. Nonetheless, there I was, with microwaved fish (to enhance the smell - notice the lack of use of aroma...) picking up the oily slimy bits of it and forcing into his drool covered mouth. Yup, I love my boy. He is starting to eat a little on his own, and has gone pee pee a couple of times. If he isn't drinking fluids by Tuesday afternoon, the vet wants to give him more sub q fluids. I love these vet bills...and the drool puddles when he actually gets up from a resting position.
My poor baby.
Snuggie was out of it for about 12 hours but does not seem to be catching it...
It is highly contagious. I am needing to keep little Ollie away from them, and yet manage to entertain him as he does not have another feline playmate at the moment...The feeding and comforting Jaz has to be done when Ollie is napping or he mews very loudly and insistently at being left all alone.
Jaz had pretty much a blaise reaction to him, with a wee bit of hissing and such, but not much at all.
Well, as predicted, he is slow to warm up, always has been. It is day 8 and the hissing is much less, but there is no level of bonding just yet. Ollie is not a pushover and will hiss back.
Here are some more shots of the gang during sick week...
Just to keep things, umm, fun, my pc has been whacked out. Frequently not connecting to the network, freezing up and then giving me a greyish black blank screen with a lone white line flashing in the upper left. Had I used Cucku to back up my files??? No. Had I used my external back up drive to do so since the move, no...
Well, my niece's husband is a geek and he helped me get back into operations. I have not done any of last week's homework.
Oh.... I have 2 trees I need to plant, pronto... more on that later.
Okay - almost forgot. WHY Ollie??
I struggled with a name. I played free association with some such as Rumi. Here, the default interpretation would be "roomie" and a whole different connotation. I did not want to be labelled as loco by the hood, by standing outside yelling "Rumi" and them hearing "roomie." Just not good.
Ollie has nothing to do with the North of notoriety.
Little guy has an amazing sense of smell. I was remarking, to myself, what a keen olfactory sense he had and whalla, Ollie it was.
I still miss my Tashi every day and choke up just thinking about him. He is a one and only. Ollie is his own cat and will hopefully be Snuggie's playmate (Snuggie willing...) and will certainly be lovey with Jaz. He stole my heart already.